Thursday, October 28, 2010

Top Restaurant Review - Pierre Gagnaire, France

The wheel can never re-invented, but not to hurt some improvement. The same applies to French cuisine. Although it is one of the oldest and most respected kitchen work, improvements and innovations in the classic style only interesting for the old style of cooking.

Pierre Gagnaire, a leading innovator in the world of French cuisine, has successfully updated the centuries old technique called self-respect and his restaurant in Paris is one of thePlaces dynamic, innovative and popular to eat in the world. This iconoclastic chef is the owner of six world class restaurants, but none is as well known as Pierre Gagnaire in Paris.

Pierre is French style of cooking for the most demanding palates only. I can not find cheeseburger or nachos in his position in Paris, nor the size of the disks good for the high price-busting meal. Gagnaire dishes exude elegance with its graceful proportions and formal richness robust. His "modernFrench "Evolution is the new trend among chefs into account.

There are many imitators around the world, the injection of style Pierre in his kitchen, hoping that some of the talents Gagnaire recognition that over the years to win. With its location in Paris, Pierre has his position as one of the largest cement in the world in their respective trades.

Pierre Gagnaire restaurant at 6 rue Balzac, Paris, France. The location is wonderful, with theRestaurant seating center of a wooded area. Guests can find a large window of the restaurant and enjoy the peaceful nature, as you eat. Unlike many restaurants use tricks to catch the eye of a diner, Pierre is just the kitchen. However, this does not mean that the interior of the restaurant is not surprising. The dark mahogany bar and the area well-lit living room to play together nicely. The restaurant has a classic look, but it is also open and airy.The cozy atmosphere, the call "ordinary man", while the food is strictly luxury.

Pierre Gagnaire has the number one institution as the top 20 in France in the world - and one of the top 3 restaurant in the popular British magazine aimed at chefs. The site of Paris has won three Michelin stars, and the world took note of the points of reservation to try to one year in advance to Pierre only take a classic style of cooking.

Pierre said of his restaurant: "I wantmy restaurant in a place that feels open to ... Living in the present, to look ahead, but respectful of the past. "He goes on to say that he too enthusiastic about his cooking, and hopes that guests will be this aspect of his personality to forgive. When the line to get into Paris position suggests, all is forgiven. Gagnaire is good for mixing up to four unique flavors and texture in one of his most famous dishes. His food is to be regarded as beautiful to see and more toto eat.

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