Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lance Armstrong 2009 Tour de France success formula

Seven of the Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong will attempt to raise the oldest winner of the Tour de France 2009 race on behalf of cancer. The big question is, Lance in his attempt, the race and, above all, a cure for cancer that can win.

What is now Lance to success? Lance is training on the bike and focus on certain things like stretching, nutrition, technical strategies and cycling teams. In a recent interviewLance said, though it would be almost 38 when he starts a tour next summer, feels like 25 again. He said he was motivated and more inspired than he ever was to be heard again on the bike and work hard, to sacrifice everything you need to be competitive.

The key to its success is that he believes the power of the mind body, and when the mind says we want to do it, then follow the body. The Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) inspires and enables people affectedof cancer through the Global Cancer Initiative. Their objective is as follows:

1. Together we will end the stigma of cancer and turn cancer victims into cancer survivors.

2. Together we can build an international movement to be held on the basis of cancer from isolation to collaboration.

3. Along with world leaders, will become cancer priorities darkness.

The Obama administration needs along the continuum of the disease since the Fire PreventionEnd of life. This is another principle of success of Lance Armstrong - Inability to take measures to eliminate the possibility of failure and defeat.

Currently, more resources at the federal level, both at the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health required. Barack Obama has promised to double funding at the NCI. He is a great support in the fight against cancer, when he lost his mother to this disease. The demand for success is now, "the White House as a treatment for cancerPriorities? "

Most people are not good to hear that, but here are the realities of cancer: more than 12 million people with cancer and eight million die from this disease every year. Cancer kills more people than malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS. However, many governments devote few resources to fight cancer and collect little information about its causes and effects.

For more than 10 years, the LAF and its founder - cancer patients andChampion cyclist - Lance Armstrong has to do with other organizations and dedicated advocates cancer a national priority in the United States and Canada have worked together. Now the LAF is to give battle to fight cancer worldwide.

So why in 2009, Lance won the Tour de France? It 's very simple. His passion, determination and the support of millions of people to act is added to the Global Cancer Initiative, the power to succeed. You can also support

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