Thursday, December 9, 2010

Employment Law In France - Vive La Difference!

The Law for Employment, followed in France is different! It is unique in its own manner. An ideal law, found nowhere else in this world. This is just a synopsis on what is all the hue about.

You are fired! These three words are not to be made common according to this law. This means that, the circumstances and the boundary line for throwing out an employee are more restricted. Employment law in France is not out of their wish, not as one opts for. The reasons for the employee being thrown out ought to be brought to his or her notice.

On an over view, the law implies that, firing or dismissing an employee is a formal practice and is no melodrama! There a certain set of very complex procedures and rules to be followed, to sack the person.

Apart from dismissing the employee, the second eye catching regulation that makes the Law for Employment in France, ideal from other countries is lay offs. These lay offs are also known as redundancies. Considering the constraints of the regime's economy, lay offs also has a set of convoluted restraints and principles to be followed. These are provided exclusively for the effect of lay offs in mass in particular.

A peculiar fact in this Labor Law of France is their processing towards legitimacy, in which, the entity of France, should be financially in debt, to justify their actions in firing one of the staffs or rendering them superfluous. Due to this, as such, certain agencies of the State of France have the authority to get the info on the laying off of any of the faculty members of private sector units.

This methodology or the tradition followed, is beneficial in one way, and secures the state as well, by the fact that the organizations that want to process the laying off of the staffs, have to rely on other agencies that are run independently. In this way, it also paves the way for a second opportunity for them.

A not so expensive and not very difficult task for an employee is, starting a law suit in opposition to her or her previous employer. The courts file their complaint and the judges are elected by the employees or the employer, themselves. The courts that deal with relationships between the labourers and their employers is called Conseils de Prud'homme. As compared to the United States, where you become a pauper if you file a law suit, France legitimacy is more acceptable and reasonable.

In France it is a rare sight for dismissing claims without the employer being awarded in opposition to him or her. This is so unlike the law followed in US. These kinds of claims are generally made on consideration of each case.

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