Saturday, September 11, 2010

France - A hiking paradise

Along the way national

Often referred to as district Grande Randonnée (or GRs for short), are associated with national trails link together unique and points, will be easily able to get from one location to the next GR. Distance routes cover about 38,000 miles from France and are usually burned in (or sign) with the red to white (sometimes yellow). long-haul routes are like GR2 GR5, etc. numbered

Regional routes

regional routes (also GRP) and cover a particular groupRegion and will only be awarded if the road is very long. GRP trails cover about 25,000 km from France and are usually yellow with burnt red.

Local routes

local paths (also known as PR) will be directly outside your towns and villages. You could try one of these ways, if you want a particular place or attraction on the tour. PR routes cover more than 47,000 miles of France and are typically blazed with yellow or others only if they are severalPaths.

Cross GR and GRP trails in every region, that France makes it easy to walk long distances from one village to another during the visit. You can vineyards, orchards and forests along the way look, and also stop for a stay in a hotel or bed and breakfast in one of the villages, as you do.

Popular hiking adventures in France

Here are some places to go hiking in France. Choose your own taste and hiking in the form of experience.

AlsaceHiking to see Medieval Times

Learning to see more about medieval history and sights during your tour of Alsace. They also see the most famous vineyards of Alsace trip to visit your beautiful medieval villages and enjoy the delicious food and wine.

Dordogne and Perigord

Hikers can hardly resist the charming villages, markets and medieval fortresses of the Dordogne and the Périgord. There are beautiful castles and prehistoric sites, make your way toboring!

Bretagne Hiking

The place of dolmens, menhirs and legends, Brittany offers fabulous hiking trails with good food. It 's a quiet walk, and you can meet some very friendly people along the road.

Walking in Burgundy (near Dijon)

Connect with hiking heritage, cuisine and fine wines in Burgundy. We tour the vineyards and visit small villages, farms, churches and delicious along the route.

Touring Loire Valley

Want to visit a placewhere King François Ier built his castles? His lifestyle was inspired by the Renaissance humanist values, and showed luxury and beauty in his drawings. During the walk in the Loire Valley you will be able to witness up this elegant buildings and gardens that accompany their first.

Excursions Champagne

Champagne is a unique place in France, champagne is often known as the home of the sparkling stuff "called! This is a region in which they were invented methods of producing wineand some of the most famous wines in the world is still produced today. Not only discover the dazzling wine country, but also a famous cathedral city of Reims where the kings received their coronation in the past.

A Royal Hike - Ile de France (Chantilly)

The Ile de France and is located north of Paris, is part of the former Kingdom of France in Senlis Chantilly area. While you browse your royal walk as many treasuresCathedrals, monasteries, castles, lakes, castles and forests. This tour combines nature and fresh air with beautiful open views, you will never forget!

Hiking along the coast of Normandy

If you love the beach, France is surprised by the beautiful scenes along the beaches of Normandy. Well prepared for the Normandy landings of World War II were used known beaches of the Allied armies. Take a walk along the beaches of Utah, Juno, Gold, Omaha and Sword, a look at this critical moment in the captureHistory. Do not forget the famous Camembert, looking in the area.

Hiking in Provence

Find out as you walk along one of many tours in Provence. This region encompasses Var, Bouches-du-Rhone, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and parts of the department of Vaucluse and Alpes-Maritimes. Provence offers a variety of hiking experiences with the region of breathtaking landscapes of mountains and villages of red-roofed houses and narrow streets.

Whether youexplore the culture and history, sampling various cheeses and wines, medieval buildings or just the sight of the beauty outside France will find all that and more when you a walk in France!

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